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My 2018 Word of the Year: QUALITY

What's your 2018 word of the year? Pick a word that will keep you focused all year long. My word is: QUALITY because time, friends, content, and life should only be the very best quality. 

2018 Word of the Year: QUALITY time, friendships, content, and LIFE!

Sometimes setting a list of goals can throw your life off balance. We tend to get stuck on accomplishing every single goal on our list, which can actually hold us back. In 2016 and 2017, I set a list of goals for myself to accomplish. To be honest, these lists left me feeling disappointed and discouraged. I felt like these lists were the end-all, be-all. So, I'm walking into 2018 with a different mindset. Rather than making a daunting list of goals, I'm giving myself a single word to focus on.

2018 Word of the Year: Quality

A couple weeks ago, another blogger posed the question: What's your word of the year? I thought about it time and time again, but only found myself forcing ideas. Nothing came naturally to me. I found myself thinking of words that I relate to, but nothing really stuck. Everything seemed like a chore. As I was scrolling through Facebook, reading about everyone's “New Year, New Me” promises and thinking of all that's in store for me in the new year, it just hit me: QUALITY. That's my perfect word! That's what I want 2018 to be all about. I want to focus on quality everything.

Quality Friendships

My 2018 Word of the Year: Quality

Quality friendships have always been important to me but I let too many things slide in 2017. I allowed myself to get back into the same unhealthy patterns with “friends” that I've been in for years. I made excuses and let people back into my heart that probably shouldn't have been there in the first place. From this point forward, only quality friendships will be given priority. My life is changing and moving so rapidly that I wouldn't dare waste another moment on an ungrateful, unworthy, half-ass friend. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever again.

Quality Content

My 2018 Word of the Year: Quality

Quality content will be a huge focus for me in 2018. Quality over quantity really is key. This means less blog posts, but better quality posts. I'm going to be focusing largely on what makes me who I am. I'll be sharing the more intimate parts of my life, as well as the most authentic pieces I possibly can. The same goes for social media. You can expect better quality photos with a personal touch on every single one. Sometimes we have to step back and reevaluate a few things to make changes for the better. I sure do hope my pretties stick around to see all the new things coming in 2018 for Women and Their Pretties!

Quality of Living

How to Pick your Word of the Year

I expect my quality of living to greatly improve in 2018. I'll be working on a cleaner diet, cleaner home, and a fresh mindset. I'm notorious for self-deprecating thoughts. Whether I'm not giving myself enough credit or I'm clouding my mind with judgmental thoughts, it's not a good place to be. So, 2018 will be all about becoming an even better woman so I can be the wife and mother my family needs!

Quality Time

My 2018 Word of the Year: Quality

There's nothing more valuable than time. I've spent half of my life wasting time on people, places, and things that don't make me happy. That's why 2018 will be all about quality time with my husband, my new baby, and family. These moments are gone too fast and are irreplaceable. I want more quality memories. I want all my time to be spent on things that will matter later. If I'm upset, bored, or down then my time isn't being spent wisely.

So, cheers to 2018 (with milk of course). Here's to wishing for a quality year for of memories that we'll be talking about 20 years from now. Here's to making decisions that wont lead to regrets and to happy endings. My goals have completely shifted for 2018. A career can only make you so happy. QUALITY means memories and memories come from family, friends, and people.

Tell me in the comments below: What's your Word of the Year?

If I could go back and assign a word for 2017, it would have been FOCUS because I definitely needed it.

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  1. […] me, QUALITY means authenticity and transparency. If we can’t be true to ourselves then how can we be a voice for someone else? 2018 is my year of […]

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