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The top 7 best dance movies of all time (and where you can get some of them for under $5 + free shipping)

I've never been much of a dancer. I've been to many clubs and danced my butt off until the wee hours in the morning, but I'd never consider myself a dancer. I can appreciate a movie with great dancers. In fact, this list of movies is inspired by my love for dance movies – the best dance movies, actually! I don't know what it is, but I really get into dance movies. Every time I watch one, I want to get up and start moving. I'm sure you've seen all (or most) of these dance movies, but it never hurts to be reminded of how great they are.

The top 7 best dance movies of all time (and where you can get some of them for under $5 + free shipping)

Maybe you can plan a fitness girls night where you try to dance along with the actors? Or maybe a night where you drink every time someone breaks it down, haha! I've also included links for you to grab most of these movies for under $5 on Amazon with free shipping if you have Amazon Prime. 

1. Step Up series

The top 7 best dance movies of all time (and where you can get some of them for under $5 + free shipping)

Step Up was the first dance series that I fell in love with. I mean, hello, Channing Tatum – enough said. We got to see the man before everyone knew him as silly and funny. He was the hott guy with killer dance moves. This is one series that always made me want to get up and move. 

Get Step Up for $5.00 on Amazon

2. Save the Last Dance

The top 7 best dance movies of all time (and where you can get some of them for under $5 + free shipping)This might be my favorite dance movie of all time. I know that there are plenty of other dance movies, but I love this one because of the love story. Maybe it came out in the right time in my life or maybe it's because the combination of classical music and hip hop. Either way, it's sexy, romantic, and a great story!

Get Save the Last Dance for $3.74 on Amazon

3. Honey series

The top 7 best dance movies of all time (and where you can get some of them for under $5 + free shipping)

Okay, this will make you laugh. I have a special connection to the first Honey movie because I had my first kiss with my “first love” during this movie, haha. That was back int he days when you could rent actual DVDs from a video store. Plus, Jessica Alba is in it and she's fun to look at. I'm sure we all wish we had moves like her. Since then, two other movies in the series have been released! Have you seen them? Honey 3 is actually really good. If you're into dance movies, then you will love it. You can't deny the talent in this dance movie series!

Honey 3 Dare To Dance is now available on DVD – pick it up here

4. Black Swan

The top 7 best dance movies of all time (and where you can get some of them for under $5 + free shipping)This is the most dramatic and intense dance movie of all time. If you've never seen Black Swan then I'm not sure what you're doing with your life. Stop what you're doing right now, buy the movie on Amazon, and watch it as soon as it arrives! 

Get Black Swan for $5.00 on Amazon

5. Dirty Dancing

The top 7 best dance movies of all time (and where you can get some of them for under $5 + free shipping)Okay, duh. This is the most romantic dance movie ever and probably the most iconic. You haven't been in love if you haven't tried the movies in Dirty Dancing with your big strong man.

Get Dirty Dancing for $3.74 on Amazon

6. Saturday Night Fever

The top 7 best dance movies of all time (and where you can get some of them for under $5 + free shipping)

The music. The clothing. The era. Everything about Saturday Night Fever gives it a ranking on this list. Saturday Night Fever has always made me want to travel back into time just to take advantage of this dance craze. Also… John Travolta. That is all.

Get Saturday Night Fever for $5.97 on Amazon

7. Stomp The Yard

The top 7 best dance movies of all time (and where you can get some of them for under $5 + free shipping)

I actually always liked Stomp The Yard more than step up. I'm not sure what attracted me more to this movie. Maybe it was the skillful dance moves or maybe the music. I know it's subjective, but this is definitely one of the best dance movies ever made. 

Get Stomp The Yard for $5.94 on Amazon


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