Using positive mantras for anxiety can be the reason you keep going. Print this wallet-sized list to use when things get rough.
Today, I'm sharing the handful of things I say to myself when anxiety hits me right in the gut.

I know just as well as anyone how crippling anxiety can be. From literally becoming sick to your stomach to completely shutting down, anxiety takes a serious toll on us.
Whether you're self-diagnosed with anxiety or clinically diagnosed, rest assured that these mantras will help you when anxiety creeps up.
Why I started using Anxiety Affirmations in my life
After birthing my last son, I knew I needed to take my life back. My body was finally mine again. I knew that I had no other excuse but to put in the real work it takes to love myself unconditionally.
However, anxiety was in the way – a lot. It wasn't until I saw this Facebook post that I realized how severe my anxiety was. I would literally keep myself up at night playing out all the worst case scenarios life could throw at me.

Imagining accidents, fires, and criminals breaking into my house, I was a mess. I even concerned myself with what would happen if I had a medical episode while alone with my children.
Even writing this makes me sick to my stomach because it brings back those feelings of fear. I was afraid… all.the.time.
That's one reason I started a morning routine for anxiety relief – I desperately needed it.
My dedication to soul searching is what really helped me get to the root of what was causing my anxiety. Sure, I could have went to my doctor and asked him to prescribe me with medication but I wanted to see if I could overcome anxiety on my own.
Recognizing My Triggers
So, I paid close attention to the feelings I felt when my anxiety crept up on me. This is what I found:
- My greatest fears come to the surface when I'm quiet.
- My insecurities lead to anxiety.
- Comparison leads to anxiety.
- Stepping out of my comfort zone causes anxiety.
- An over-thinker is anxiety's dream!
- Sometimes anxiety is a good thing. It triggers a response when something doesn't feel right. I just need to learn how to recognize it.
The fact is, that I haven't overcome anxiety. My body reacts to certain situations before my brain even catches on. I cannot control what my body does but I can control how I handle the triggers mentally.
One reason I've mentioned my self-care and spiritual journey so much is because it's taught me to trust myself. As mentioned above, anxiety isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes, my body is telling me that something is off.
By digging deep, I've learned how to recognize when those feelings are negative and when my intuition or the universe is trying to tell me something.
When I'm sure my brain is playing tricks on me, I know that it's time to repeat these mantras.

10 Mantras to Help With Anxiety Relief
So, as you read through these anxiety relief mantras, I hope that you'll find the right words for you. These are the mantras that work for me, personally. These are simple phrases that I find myself repeating often – but they are so effective in relieving anxiety!
My journey is different from yours but I hope that you'll be inspired and excited to take control of your anxiety.
- I can do this.
- This isn't really how I feel.
- I'm not going to do this today.
- I am not my thoughts. (A great mantra for self-doubt)
- This isn't a big deal.
- My thoughts are the only thing I can control.
- Just own it. (I say this one when I catch myself overthinking the things I've said or done)
- There is nothing I cannot do.
- I will not worry about the things I cannot change.
- No. Nope. Not today. (This is what I say when I start remembering tragic or traumatic events)
I ALSO RECOMMEND: Tips for Self-Care During a Crisis

How to properly use these statements to relieve anxiety:
If you're new to mantras or affirmations, this is how to use them for your good:
- When you feel the signs of anxiety, stop the thoughts as immediate as possible.
- Use these mantras as a way to push those thoughts out of your head. In fact, it's can help to actually picture these saying shoving the anxiety out.
- Repeat the mantras of your choice over and over again. You can do this in your head or out loud. Repeat it until the anxious feelings or thoughts are gone.
- Replace the thoughts with positive thoughts. I personally like to think of a really great moment in my life – like my wedding day or the day I won my first blog award.
- Use these quick anxiety-relief methods.

Free Wallet Printable with Anxiety Mantras
Be sure to grab my free Mantras for Anxiety wallet printable – by downloading this PDF. I've also created a full-size art print should you prefer to frame it for your office or bedside.
I recommend laminating it and keeping one in your wallet, pocket, or handbag. I've found this printable to be very helpful at social events where I can discretely pull it out and read, as needed.
Tips for Printing Mantras:
- Use premium cardstock
- When printing, be sure “Scale to Fit” is not checked and “Scale” is set to 100% – this will keep this as wallet-sized.
- Laminate afterward or print a full page and hang it in a space that you tend to experience anxiety (work, home office, bathroom mirror).
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Thank you this is really helpful!