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How a Psychic Reading Gave Me Peace & Guidance

Please join me, as I tell you how a (SPONSORED) psychic reading with California Psychics gave me peace, clarity, and so much more!

On my journey through self-care, I've found myself becoming more and more curious about the spiritual world. As an empath, I feel much deeper than the average person. I can instantly pick up on a shift in energy in the room or on the feelings of strangers. This is about as deep as my abilities go but I've always known that there are others with gifts much deeper than mine.

Learning about ME with a Psychic Reading

You see, I've never questioned if psychics are real – I've more so wondered what messages they could bring to me. After becoming more in-tuned with my body and connected to the universe, I knew that I could gain a lot from a psychic reading. Especially with the loss of a few dear loved ones in the past few years. I think we could all use a little reminder that our loved ones are still with us.

That's why I jumped at the opportunity to explore California Psychics and get a reading from one of their more than 500 Psychics with various psychic gifts and unconventional tools.

My Psychic Reading with California Psychics

Allowing My Body To Guide Me

With so many talented psychics to choose from, I allowed my body to guide me in choosing the perfect psychic advisor for me. I tend to follow my body's signals when choosing what is right for me: butterflies in my stomach, a pull towards one thing or another, and an overall excitement.

Aside from the “gut feeling,” I wanted someone with specific gifts. So, I sorted through the specific abilities to find a Psychic Medium, Empath, and/or a Clairvoyant Psychic. I also paid close attention to the topics the individual psychic advisor specialized in, such as Life Path, Career & Work, and Deceased Loved Ones.

My Psychic Reading with California Psychics

Focused on Feelings

To be specific, I wanted my experience with California Psychics to bring me two things: comfort and guidance from my loved ones who recently passed and reassurance that I'm going down the right path, career wise.

Rather than focusing on the specific outcome I wanted from my readings, I spent some time in meditation focusing on how I wanted to feel at the end of a psychic reading.

All of this led me to find psychic advisors who gave me readings that were truly life changing.

California Psychics Connect with Lost Loved Ones

Finding Comfort, Guidance, and Validation in a Psychic Reading

It was really important for me to connect with my grandmother who I lost a few months ago. She was a huge part of my life and I just wanted to feel her presence again. It was also important for me to receive some sort of guidance or reassurance for my career and life path.

So, I chose two psychic advisors who could focus on each of those topics: Psychic Zeke, who is a medium, and Psychic Fern, who is gifted with clairvoyance.

I was seeking comfort and clarity from the psychic readings. What I got was so much more.

California Psychics Connect with Lost Loved Ones

New Beginnings & Predictions

A common theme in my readings seemed to be new beginnings. Psychic Zeke told me one of my deceased loved ones was giving her the smell of rain and fresh flowers – which signifies washing away the old and welcoming new things.

Psychic Fern was able to predict that I'll be experiencing some major healing which will bring something new beginning in October.

Career Growth & Opportunities

I was reassured that my business will continue to flourish, especially in the fall season. In fact, I was told to look out for opportunities toward the end of the year. Specifically, opportunities to advocate for an important cause and a potential partnership with someone very significant.

Additionally, I was told to not get too comfortable because I'll be busy in my business very soon. Which is a big deal considering I just opened my Self-Care Stationery Shop!

Personal Growth Psychic Reading

Personal Growth

Psychic Fern was spot on when she told me to stop pouring so much into others because it's leaving me empty. She said my Spirit Guides are encouraging me to set clear boundaries and to let go of self-doubt, to not worry so much about when something will happen.

Spiritual Growth Psychic Reading


Another major takeaway from my readings with California Psychics was that I'm a strong empath and should explore full Psychic Mediumship because I'm gifted with that ability! Now that is something to think about.

Psychic Reading connection with deceased love ones

Signs & Symbols

Finally, my Spirit Guides told me to keep an eye out for dimes and feathers as a sign that I'm on the right path. These will pop up when I am feeling stuck and need some reassurance.

Psychic Reading Review _ 3

My chat with a psychic gave me peace of mind and excitement for the future!

If you're searching for something deeper, another chance to talk to a lost loved one, or guidance on a specific topic – I highly recommend booking a psychic reading with the gifted individuals at California Psychics.

Visit to book your reading today and use promo code JOY10 to get $10 added to your account when you purchase your first reading.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of California Psychics. 

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