A perfect mother doesn't exist. There, I said it. We all have our Bad Mom Days. This is a story about my Bad Mom Day and how I survived it with these few techniques. This post is sponsored by Triple Paste®; however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Don't believe everything you see on Instagram. The mom with three kids and a spotless home has chaos behind the camera. The new mother who is ridiculously in love with her baby has moments when she just wants to be alone. Even the polished mother with children in private schools has to clean the yuckiest diaper blowouts. It's real-life.
Every mother has a Bad Mom Day and mine was today.
My bad mom day actually started two days ago (so I guess I'm having a bad mom week). I had deadlines to meet and not enough time to complete anything because I'm a stay-at-home-mom and a work-at-home-mom. On this particular day, my son was extra fussy. He's six months old and has full-fledged teething tantrums regularly. With deadlines approaching, a baby screaming, and a house that's too messy for comfort – the overwhelm was extreme. I was counting down the minutes until my husband arrived home from work so I could get some sort of relief.
Finally, my husband walked through the door just in time for our air conditioner, in our newly purchased home, to give out. So, off to a hotel we went. Fast forward to today, two days later, and me, sitting in our 93-degree Florida home caring for my inconsolable infant as my husband haggles with the repairman. I'm bouncing my son on one knee as he throws his body in every possible direction. I’m typing with one hand as tears and sweat are streaming down my face.
I am annoyed, impatient, and frustrated. To be honest, I'm being a complete pessimist. I don’t want to read to him or lay with him. I don't have the patience to entertain him.
“Today is my bad mom day and I just want a break!”
Just when I think that things couldn’t possibly get worse: I smell, no, wait, I feel, something funky. Why is my knee wet? Why is my shirt moist? And why is my son quiet all of a sudden? Oh no! He’s concentrating really hard. He’s pooping – all over himself; all over the brand new onesie I just bought him; all over me! It’s a blowout and it’s literally the worst one yet.
At this point, I’ve laid him directly on the couch because I was too stressed to think. He’s wiggling around on top of his messy diaper and I’m stuck. I’m trying to decide what to do first. I have a messy couch, outfit, and baby. I decide to strip him down and leave the blowout mess on the couch to deal with after.
Best Kept Secret: Prepare – Don't plan!
The problem-solving mommy that I keep deep down insider takes over. I don't plan my days because nothing goes according to plan, but I prepare. I prepare as much as I can!
So,I grab my handy-dandy Blowout Blues bag and go to work on my baby boy. I've had enough chaotic blowout moments in my few months of motherhood to know exactly what I need to get it taken care of quickly:
- Changing pad: to keep my baby from spreading the mess to hard-to-clean places.
- Triple Paste® Diaper Rash ointment: After scrubbing the mess off his little body, he needs an ointment on his bum to prevent diaper rash and burning. Triple Paste® is my go-to diaper rash cream for blowouts because it keeps my baby boy as comfortable as possible in the midst of chaos.
- Diapers: Keep as many diapers as you can in your bag. It's best to be as prepared as possible.
- Washcloth: Sometimes, baby wipes just aren't enough. I keep a washcloth to wipe down his little body when things are really messy (like today).
- Disposable bags: I keep a couple disposable bags in my Blowout Blues bag to take his messy clothing and washcloth home. Plus, it makes disposing of messy wipes and diapers much easier!
- A baby toy: I use this to keep my little guy distracted while I clean him up.
- 2 Extra Bodysuits: You never want to be stuck in a public place with a messy baby! Trust me.
You probably already have everything you need for your own Blowout Blues bag. If not, you can grab the Triple Paste® diaper rash ointment at several retail stores including Target, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, and Rite-Aid.
The end to my terrible, no-good, very bad mom day
In the midst of the chaos, he looked up at me with his big brown eyes and smiled. New tears were running down my face, happy tears. All the stress from the week washed away and I was reminded that every day comes to an end. Even the days when you feel like a horrible mother (you absolutely aren't). The next morning you can wakeup and start over. You can be a good mom even on your bad mom days.
How to be a Good Mom on your Bad Mom Days
1. Walking away.
Sometimes, you just need to step away from a situation that's stressing you out. Maybe your kids are painting on the walls and your instant reaction to to flip your lid – walk away, take a breather, think about it, and return with a new reaction.
2. Dropping expectations.
If you expect to be super mom, you will fail every single time. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to be perfect. Your going to bump your baby's head on the car door. You're going to be distracted by the TV. Sometimes, your kids will cry a little longer than you'd like. You're not a bad mom.
3. Preparing, not planning.
The more you plan, the more you open the door for failure. Just go with the flow. Prepare for the worst (like ridiculous baby blowouts) and let the rest just happen. You'll appreciate those unplanned moments some day.
4. Resetting and letting go.
Allow every day be a new one. End your days by letting go of anything troubling you so you can reset the next morning.
5. Ask for help
It's okay to ask for help, mamas! If you want to be a good mom, then take some time to yourself. Even if it's a half hour to take a bath in peace. Don't be too proud to ask for a break.
Tell me about your baby Blowout Blues and/or share what's in your BB bag in the comments below!
For more information on Triple Paste® diaper rash ointment, visit their website or just ask me! Not only do I use it after blowouts, I use it after serious diaper changes and before I put him to bed every night.
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