If you experience anxiety, then you know how overwhelming it can feel. These relatable and encouraging anxiety quotes will let you know that you're not alone.
I've experienced anxiety throughout my entire life as an adult. Maybe it was childhood trauma contributing to these difficult feelings. Either way, I know it feels unmanageable, frustrating, and sometimes scary.

When I am feeling alone or hopeless, I try to find encouragement in different avenues: friends, music, and life quotes. These things tend to help me manage anxiety FAST!
After feeling low recently, I began searching for encouraging anxiety quotes and came across a few that really touched me. I thought, “I can't be the only one feeling these things.” So, I decided to throw this post together. After all, I know how much you guys love quotes!
Funny & Encouraging Anxiety Quotes That Are Way too Relatable
So, these are my favorite quotes about anxiety. These are for the ones who truly experience it and just need something to relate to.

1. “Just because I can’t explain the feelings causing my anxiety, doesn’t make them less valid.” – Lauren Elizabeth
I think everyone with anxiety experiences this feeling as if others are judging them. I've never been able to explain my anxiety to anyone who doesn't experience it. They don't understand how it feels to not be in control of mental and physical responses.
2. “You don't have to control your thoughts. You have to stop letting them control you.” – Dan Millman
While this sounds easier said than done, it is something you can accomplish with meditation, prayer, and mindfulness. Personally, positive thinking exercises have worked wonders for my anxiety.

3. “I've got 99 problems and 86 of them are completely made up scenarios in my head that I'm stressing about for absolutely no logical reason.” – Unknown
This quote is hilarious. Mainly because it's the most relatable anxiety quotes I've ever come across!
4. “People with anxiety don't have a train of thought. We have 7 trains on 4 tracks that narrowly avoid each other when paths cross, and all the conductors are screaming.” – Unknown
This another of the funny anxiety quotes but it's also one that makes you start with a laugh and end with a cry because it's the sad truth. Your mind is so loud, even in a quiet room.

5. “I am exhausted from trying to be stronger than I feel.” – Unknown
This is a difficult feelings for those of us with anxiety disorders. We try to trick ourselves into thinking everything is fine. In fact, for some of us, this actually works sometimes. However, it's exhausting.
6. “Anxiety isn't weakness. Living with anxiety, turning up and doing things with anxiety, takes a strength most will never know.” – Unknown
Even though you feel embarrassed or out-of-control, please remind yourself that anxiety isn't weakness – unless you allow it to control your entire life.

7. “Go easy on yourself. Whatever you do today, let it be enough.” – Unknown
You are enough. Anxiety will stop you in your tracks so celebrate your small wins.
8. “I don't think people understand how difficult it is to explain what's going on in your head when you don't even understand it yourself.” – Unknown
Unless you experience anxiety, it's unlikely you'll understand how we think or feel. It just happens and we don't owe anyone an explanation.

9. “We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” – Seneca
WOAH. This quote really hits me because it's true. For those of us with anxiety or depression, our thoughts cause pain and suffering. Many times, it's our inability to let the past go and forgive others without an apology.
10. “This is one of the most frustrating things about having an anxiety disorder; Knowing as you’re freaking out that there’s no reason to be freaked out, but lacking the ability to shut the emotion down.” – Unknown
I'll scream it from the rooftops, “I hate this feeling!”. It's seriously the worst because your mind is trying to think logically but your body is in panic mode!

11. “Don't believe every worried thought you have. Worried thoughts are notoriously inaccurate.” – Renee Jain
Likewise, it's important for us to remember that irrational thoughts are just that – they aren't logical or reasonable. Don't believe everything you tell yourself, especially if you have't gone on journey of personal growth and self care.
12. “You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn
This might be my favorite of the encouraging anxiety quotes because it allows us to live with the anxiety but learn to manage it.

13. “I need you to love me a little bit harder today.” – Unknown
This anxiety quote makes me emotional. I'm saving this to share with my husband on the days when I need it the most. Anxiety can be crippling and when it is – we just need some unconditional love and support.
14. “Sometimes, the worst place you can be is in your own head.” – Unknown
Again, our thoughts can make us our own worst enemy. Sometimes, we need to just let things happen and try not to think of them.

15. “It’s sad, actually, because my anxiety keeps me from enjoying things as much as I should at this age.” – Amanda Seyfried
I've made it a point to face my anxiety-ridden fears and jump into things that make me sick with anxious feelings. However, I've been known to cancel plans and avoid things that I should be enjoying because my brain & body are in flight mode.
16. “Embrace the glorious mess that you are.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
Do you feel like a mess? I do 90% of the time. But you know what? That's okay. It's fine to be a mess and to not always have your shit together. It makes you a real and honest human being.

17. “I know I'll be okay and that eventually everything will work out and I know that what's meant for me will happen. I know… but I just need a minute or two to pull myself together; because sometimes the shit life throws at me gets heavy; that's all.” – Unknown
Oh, this is an emotional anxiety quote that gets me because it does get heavy. I find myself wondering why I can't handle everyday things that others can. If you feel this way, too, it's important that you know it's the anxiety – it's not you.
18. “Somewhere there is a past you, overflowing with so much pride looking at how far you've come.” – Unknown
*Insert all the tears here*
Do you remember the days when you felt like you wouldn't make it through? Or the hard weeks that felt unending? Guess what – you survived those and I bet you're a better person because of it.

19. “Take a deep breath and give yourself permission to step back from everything that is making you feel anxious.” – Jade Marie
Sometimes we just need a little reminder to breath.
20. “I don’t think anyone could ever criticize me more severely than the way I viciously criticize myself.” – Unknown
AMEN TO THIS! I am my own worst enemy!

21. “For fast acting relief, try slowing down.” – Lily Tomlin
Many times our anxiety comes from doing too much. It's important to practice self care by giving ourselves permission to take a step back.
22. “I'm telling you, anxiety is always feeling like something is out of place, and when you can't find what it is – you start to think it's you.” – Rachel H.
Anxiety is definitely a contributing factor to low self-esteem and low self-worth. If you are feeling as if you don't belong – read these positive affirmations daily!

23. “I just give myself permission to suck… I find this hugely liberating.” – John Green
Anxiety can stop us and limit us. Likewise, it can make us feel lazy and unable to do the things we need to do. Then, we get in our heads about it. That's why it's important to just give yourself permission to suck sometimes. It's actually a really great to let go of self expectations.
24. “I don't struggle with anxiety. I'm actually pretty good at it.” – Unknown
This is hilarious and obviously a joke. It is a struggle but damn, we sure are good at working ourselves into a frenzy!

25. “Not all wounds are visible.” – Unknown
Please remember this when dealing with everyone in life. We all have a battle that others don't see.
26. “Sometimes our thoughts are blocked by so much insecurity, they create lies we start to believe.” – Unknown
The keyword here is lies.

27. “You're going to be okay. Breathe and remember that you've been in this place before.” – Unknown
You probably feel as if you aren't going to make it through this. You've thought of everything bad that could happen and it feels impossible. It's not. You're going to get through this. You always do.
28. “Anxiety is one little tree in your forest. Step back and look at the whole forest.” – Unknown
Anxiety doesn't define us. It's not our story. Anxiety is only a piece of who you are. Think of all the beautiful and unique pieces of you.

29. “I think too much. I think ahead, I think behind, I think sideways, I think it all. If it exists, I've f***ing thought of it!” – Unknown
Oh, man. If this isn't true then I don't know what is. OVERTHINKERS UNITE!
30. “Let's just say, my anxieties have anxieties.” – Unknown
Do you have any relatable or encouraging anxiety quotes that you'd like to share with me? Tell me in the comments below!
Likewise, if you see a quote with an unknown author and you know the author – tell me and I'll update with credit!
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These really help I feel nauseous I can’t breath I feel like I just let everyone down I don’t want to speak to anyone and I’m so frustrated at feeling like this and not being able to get out of my head
Yet I feel unable to get any relief it’s exhausting
Thank you 💖