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10 ways to invest in yourself – without spending money.

The best investment you'll ever make in this lifetime, is to invest in yourself. If you want to live a rich and happy life, it begins within you. It can be as simple as taking a nap or as complex as learning a new language.

Here's 10 ways to invest in yourself – without spending money.

10 Ways to invest in yourself

We all dream of investing at some point in our lives. I used to think of an investment as something only middle-aged rich people did. I never really considered how powerful investing in myself could be – until I did it.

10 ways to invest in yourself – without spending money.

Investing in yourself means doing something now that will better your life later on. It takes dedication and a lot of patience, just like any other investment.

1. Be Mindful

10 ways to invest in yourself – without spending money.

Do yourself a favor and be conscious in your surroundings. UNPLUG for once. Spend time in nature. Listen to the world around you. Listen to the birds chirping, wind blowing, and leaves crackling. Inhale the fresh scents of the seasonal air. Look at how gorgeous the world is that surrounds you. Live in that moment. Appreciate the things you normally take for granted. You'll immediately notice how these moments reflect in your mood, mindset, and overall way of living.

2. Rest your body and mind

Easier said than done, right? I totally get it. You're a mom. You're an entrepreneur. You're a wife. You have so many responsibilities. Ain't nobody got time for that! But, you do.

You make time for the things that you want to make time for.

Stop checking your emails. Stop reading your texts. Take a break from study and research. Allow yourself to completely unwind. Even if it's for 20-30 minutes a day. Just sit down, kick back, and let you mind wander to a beautiful place. If you pray – pray. If you meditate – meditate. Just stop thinking and doing for a little bit. Dare I say, take a nap? *Insert gasps and eye rolls here*

10 ways to invest in yourself – without spending money.

This is a cheap investment that will pay off almost instantly. You'll find yourself happier. Your mind will be clear of the clutter we pile up every day. You'll find yourself to be even more productive after taking a break than you were after a 12 hour work binge.

3. Learn something new

Knowledge is power. One thing that I believe we should never stop doing in our lifetime is learning. Knowledge is the most valuable possession we could ever own. It's the tool that never goes dull.

Not only can learning something new further your career or help you accomplish your goals, it can send you on a new path of self-discovery. Maybe you want to learn to sew or surf, just for fun. Maybe you want to study a subject that's always intrigued you. Whether you decide to go back to school, chat with an expert, or watch a ton of YouTube videos, I promise that learning something new will be an investment like no other.

You'll never lose the lessons of passion.

10 ways to invest in yourself – without spending money.

If you love something, learn it! It will stick with you forever. You never know who you'll meet or where you'll go after this self investment!

4. Travel/Visit new places

The first 24 years of my life was spent dreaming of traveling. I did everything I could to visit new places. If tag along with friends or visit little gems in towns near by. I didn't have much money but I made the most out of it.

Now, I've traveled across the country multiple times and with each visit, I try to check out something new. You don't have to be rich to visit new places. Sometimes all it takes if finding joy in the little nooks that you'd typically overlook. Some of my best meditation has been done in the clearing of a forest or by a stream on a walking trail. You never know what you'll stumble upon – just get out there and look!

10 ways to invest in yourself – without spending money.

Traveling and visiting new places gives you the opportunity to learn about other cultures. You lose yourself in the art and lifestyle of others. The agriculture and architecture are something to marvel over. Nothing can replace the humbleness and knowledge you'll gain from traveling. These memories will live within you forever.

5. New beauty routine

10 ways to invest in yourself – without spending money.

Sometimes investing in yourself means paying a little more time to your hair, skin, and body. By building a new beauty routine, a healthier routine, you'll begin to notice incredible changes in your skin. Brighter, tighter, and healthier skin will lead to a happier YOU. You'll be thankful for today's results and 10 years from now, you'll be grateful for today.

6. Get a solo hobby

Enjoy being alone sometimes. It's not always that we get moments to ourselves and so many of us are so afraid of the silence – don't be. Get a solo hobby that will bring you an overall joy in life. You don't have to share every life experience. Some of my favorite moments are those that I spent with myself. Whether it's reading, crafting, journaling, scrapbooking, running, or something more – find your heart's desire and do it!

Losing yourself in a hobby you love can be therapeutic. It will give you the time to forget some of life's troubles or to even work through difficult decisions by yourself. You'll also be mastering your hobby without necessarily realizing it. If at some point you'd like to share your hobby with others – go for it! Just don't lose those solo moments that we so desperately need.

10 ways to invest in yourself – without spending money.

Investing in yourself can be a simple as giving yourself a break from the real world. Some of us take breaks by relaxing, some by working with our hands, and others by working your brain – find your happy!

7. Build quality friendships

Building quality friendships are necessary to live a happy life. I've always valued my friendships. I dedicate time and effort into them because friendships can so easily be malnourished. Building quality friendships means making time for the friends that you care about. Having a good support system is the key to a happy life. It takes work, but boy does it pay off. Friends can offer you a sense of belonging that your family can't. After all, they are choosing you!

Invest in yourself by investing in your friendships.

You may also like: Is it Time to Breakup with a Friend?

10 ways to invest in yourself – without spending money.

8. Keep your promises

Nobody can make me feel worse than myself. I hate disappointing myself. When I don't keep my promises, I feel like an absolute failure. Broken promises not only make you feel like a jerk but it makes the recipient pretty unimportant too.

It's simple – keep your promises and commitments. If you know you're going to cancel later then don't commit to something. Learn how to say no. And most importantly – don't make other plans when you already have plans. It's inconsiderate and eventually, you'll receive less invites, less phone calls, and less texts.

10 ways to invest in yourself – without spending money.

Invest in yourself by being a stand-up person.

9. Exercise

10 ways to invest in yourself – without spending money.

I know, I know. You hear this every day from everyone. It's for a reason! Exercising it important, not to look good but to feel good. Your body needs exercise to keep your juices flowing and your muscles strong. Exercise can prevent all sorts of health issues, now and for yourself in the far future.

10. Face your fears

Have you ever actually faced any of your fears? Maybe you jumped off that rope swing even though you're terrified of heights and what's underneath that water. Maybe you're afraid of social situation but you still went to that party. Even if every situation doesn't go perfectly, but I bet you walked away with a new sense of accomplishment. Sometimes, facing your fears can diminish those fears because you realize that it's all in your head.

10 ways to invest in yourself – without spending money.

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