Guess what, friends? I'm officially the big 3-0. I know, I know – I totally look 18 but nope. I am in the thirty club as of November 2018. Unlike many people, I didn't care very much about turning 30. I've honestly never been the type to care about my age. Why? Because you cannot stop time; you can only make the most of it. So, I live my every day with intention by investing in myself and my self-care routine is on point because I always make myself a priority. That being said, I can confidently say that I've learned 30 hard life lessons in my life. Okay, I've learned many more. Like, don't run with scissors. However, these are the important life lessons that weren't easy for me and probably weren't for you either.

All the life lessons I learned by 30
1. Humans make mistakes.
If there's any lesson in life that we should know and fully understand by 30, it's that people make mistakes and – it's absolutely okay! Hopefully you will have learned that dwelling on your own mistakes or others' mistakes isn't good for your mental wellbeing. This was a hard lesson for me to learn.
2. Don't try to plan every detail of your life – it doesn't work that way.
The moment you begin planning, all your plans will go right out the window. Having goals is a great idea as long as you understand that the path to accomplishing those goals will not be an easy one.
3. Never compare your journey to another's.
If there's one important life lesson for you to take away from this post it's that your journey should never be compared to anyone else's. It's your's for a reason. Nobody and I mean nobody can fully understand how you feel, what you've experienced, or how it's impacted your life decisions.
4. “Closed mouths don't get fed.“
It's likely that you've heard this life lesson quote before and maybe you didn't quite understand how it could be applied to your life. By the time you've reached 30, you should know that people can't read your mind (nope, not even your husband). That being said, you have to speak your mind when you want or need something!
5. Forgiveness is for you – not for anyone else.
If you've ever asked yourself, “What is one of the hardest lessons in life?” Well, this is it! In fact, this is the hardest lesson I've ever had to learn. Forgiving someone is sometimes considered a sign of weakness but it shouldn't be. When you forgive someone, you're allowing yourself to let go of any anger or hurt you've been holding onto. So, the next time something happens – forgive. Do it for you because you deserve that!
6. You choose your own happiness.
Happiness is something you create. Nobody can control your happiness; only you.
7. Attitude is everything.
Your attitude and the way you handle situations says a lot about who you are, as a person. If you have a bad attitude, you will push people away. Life is what you make it, as cliché as that sounds.
8. You shouldn't always speak your mind.
With maturity comes the biting of the tongue. Just because you're thinking something doesn't mean you should say it. At 30 years old, you should know when to keep your thoughts to yourself. Choose your battles wisely.
9. You teach people how to treat you.
The way you treat yourself is the way others will treat you. People are watching to see how you handle situations. Do you lack self-confidence? Do you doubt yourself a lot? People can pickup on those weaknesses and will use it to their advantage.
Treat yourself how you deserve to be treated!
10. Some things happen for you and not to you.
There will be things in life that make you question what you did to deserve this. Flip the script on those thoughts because maybe, just maybe, these difficult things are happening for you to learn another life lesson and to lead you down the right path.
11. Your past doesn't define you.
Remember when I said that humans make mistakes? Those mistakes are in the past and will never define you. Let everyday be a fresh start!
12. You cannot please everyone.
By this age, you shouldn't even try it. As we know, pleasing others is typically at the expense of your own joy and happiness.
13. Think before you speak.
I really shouldn't have to say this by now but please, think before you speak. Don't hurt someone's feeling because you're impulsive. The best way to be confident in who you are and to own everything you say is to think before you speak!
14. You matter.
If nobody tells you this or if you're ever doubting it, please don't. You matter and you are here for a reason!
15. You don't need to have it all figured out.
It's okay to still have no clue where your life is going at 30. You don't have to have your life figured out. Nobody has it all figured out. As you grow and change, so do your goals. Life will happen and you just have to go with the flow and be positive!
16. The only way to succeed is to fail.
You are going to fail over and over again. It's not going to be easy and you're going to feel lost, discouraged, and you might even second guess yourself at times. That's okay because it's how you learn to try new things!
With failure comes creativity. With creativity comes success.
17. An ex is an ex for a reason.
If you are 30 and not married (which is totally okay) please remember to leave your exes in the past. Don't settle and don't reach out to them in a moment of loneliness or desperation. You deserve better.
18. Hard work does pay off.
I hope by thirty you understand that hard works pays off because it's true! You get what you give and if you work hard, it will come back to you. Even if you don't see it now.
19. One small act of kindness can make a huge difference.
Please be kind to everyone, always. You never know how your kindness is affecting someone's day or their life. Do nice things for people: put the cart back, donate a meal, compliment a mom's dress. Check out my Simple Acts of Kindness Bucket List for more ideas!
20. Education is a big deal.
You don't have to have a college education to be successful. I have a degree in Music Production that has nothing to do with my current career but I educate myself constantly. I buy courses, read business books, and research on a regular basis. Never neglect your education!
21. Always make time for the things that matter.
“I don't have time” is the worst excuse in the book. We are all busy but we make time for the things (and people) that truly matter to us!
22. Never take things for granted.
This goes right along with the last life lesson – life is too precious to wait for tomorrow. Make the phone call, give the apology, say I Love You, make the date. Just please don't take anything for granted.
23. Always answer when friends or family call.
Let's be honest, we've all screened calls before. If I'm honest with myself, I know that 95% of those ignored calls were because I was moody and didn't want to talk. For the past couple of years, I've made it my goal to always answer when people call. I never want to regret not answering a call.
24. There is strength in vulnerability.
Being vulnerable is absolutely terrifying because it it opens up the door for hurt. To be vulnerable isn't only trusting that others wont hurt you; it's believing that you'll be strong enough to handle it if they do.
The only way to have real relationships is to be really vulnerable.
25. “You get more bees with honey.”
I don't know who said it first but they were right. By 30, you should know when to be sweet and when to be a little sassy. Smiling at your critics and keeping your cool when someone insults you, are just a couple of things you can only learn with age.
26. Always stand for what you believe in.
Standing for something doesn't mean fighting about who is right on social media. Sometimes, it's simply staying firm in your beliefs when it feels like the whole world is against you. You're at a stage in life where you know how to follow your instincts – so don't let others convince you that your gut feeling is wrong.
27. Always keep your promises.
What's the deal with broken promises these days? Not only are we breaking promises to others, we are breaking promises to ourselves! We are letting ourselves down and the people we care about the most. Be a reliable person because there are very few of those these days. Be the person everyone calls when they need to vent and surround yourself with others who do the same for you!
28. Take care of your health NOW.
They say it all goes downhill after 30 but that's not true if you take care of your health. Don't live your life in fear of doctor visits, eating food that makes feel icky, and neglecting your mental health.
29. Do the thing that scares the heck out of you.
The best things in my life have happened after I stepped out of my comfort zone. Leave your bubble; in fact, pop that bubble! If you're 30+ years old and you aren't taking risks then you aren't living, girlfriend!
30. Not having children doesn't make you less of a woman.
I can't believe people are still saying that you need to have children to be a real woman. I know this because I've literally been told this before. If children aren't in your plans – that's okay! You are still meant to do incredible things. Own your choices and keep it moving!
What is the most powerful life lesson you've learned?

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