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How To Be A Positive Thinker: Positivity Exercises, Affirmations, & Quotes

Even the happiest people would agree with this:

Learning how to be a positive thinker is not easy. Especially if you're surrounded by negativity, tragedy, and judgement.

The good news is that there are positive thinking exercises you can use to achieve true optimism. With a little bit of intentional living, you can become the joyful person you were meant to be.

how to be a positive thinker

And by the time you finish reading this post, you will have learned exactly how to be a positive thinker with a good attitude towards life.

After all, you are fully in control of your own happiness!

Before we begin, let's discuss the benefits of positive thinking.

Then, we can talk about the behaviors leading to negative thinking, positive thinking exercises, and positive thinking quotes!

You cannot have a positive life with a negative mind.


Does positive thinking really work?

ABSOLUTELY! In fact, it's the reason I created this website.

Create the biggest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.

Here are the benefits of positive thinking:

a guide to positive thinking
  1. Lower levels of distress. Distress is described as extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. All of these things will affect every area of your life. Being a positive thinker will remove these negative feelings from your life.

  2. Your positivity will rub off on others. Do you know someone who is like a ray of sunshine? Their positivity is so radiant that you can't look away. Be that person.

  3. Positive people attract positive people. Your positive energy will bring more positive people into your life. In turn, being positive will feel so much easier.

  4. Better stress management. Stressful situations don't feel as hopeless when you're being optimistic about them.

  5. Genuine happiness. The most important benefit of positive thinking is that you will find your true bliss. When you think happy – you feel happy.

How do I know positive thinking really works?

I wasn't always this person. My difficult childhood led me into a dark depression.

I was a pessimist fronting as an optimist. Nothing made me happy. I pushed away everything good in my life.

Does this sound familiar?

Probably because that's what the majority of negative thinkers do – they sabotage their own joy.

After years of neglecting myself – I decided to take control of my life and it lead me to do magnificent things.

This can and will be you.

If these positivity benefits weren't enough to get you excited about this whole optimism thing, maybe the health risks will get you there.

Let me explain:

Positive Thinking Quotes

The importance of positive thinking begins with your health.


Did you know that negative thinkers are at a higher risk of dying?

  • Negative thinking reduces your lifespan. Studies have shown that positive thinking leads to a longer life. Negative thinking literally affects your health and puts you at risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • Weakens your immune system. Your mind, body, and soul all work together to keep you strong. When your mind is in a vulnerable state – so is your body.

  • Increases the risk of depression. As you could imagine, negative thinking increases your risk of depression.

  • Lack of sleep. If you're a negative thinker, you're likely a worrier. Worrying causes lack of sleep. In turn, lack of sleep causes negative thinking. It's a vicious cycle.

  • High blood pressure. According to, “Negative thinking leads to stress, which makes your heart work harder and raises your blood pressure.

  • Anxiety. Too much fear or worry is the definition of anxiety. You can't have anxiety without negative thoughts.

Negative thinking leads to stress, which makes your heart work harder and raises your blood pressure.

How to be a happy person


You have to understand what the negative things in your life are before you can learn how to be a positive thinker.

  1. Negative Self-Talk. The way you speak to yourself has a greater impact on your self-esteem than the way anyone else speaks to you!

  2. Creature of Habit. Most people didn't become negative Nancy's overnight. It takes years of bad experiences.

  3. Childhood Trauma. If not dealt with, trauma will live within you. Talk about it, think about it, and understand that you are not what happened to you.

  4. Low Self-Esteem. I personally think that this is the number one thing preventing you from being a positive thinker. If you don't love yourself, how can you ever find happiness?

  5. Unreasonable Expectations. Give yourself some grace. You cannot do it all or be everything to everyone.

  6. You're a perfectionist. While being a perfectionist has many perks, it can also lead to depression, stress, self-doubt, and low self-esteem.

Find out 10 more things that are sucking the joy from your life.


With these positive thinking exercises, you will learn exactly how to be a positive thinker!

BUT, you must know this before you begin:

It's going to take a lot work. A lot of intentional thinking and planning will be involved. But, you can do this!

How to think positive

1. Master Self-Talk

Say kind things to yourself every single day. Use positive affirmations to remind yourself that you deserve to give and receive love.

Check out these 45 Positive Affirmations for Women and get a free affirmations printable when you sign up for my newsletter!

2. Be Thankful

Thank God, the universe, or your friends & family for the things you have in your life.

When you're grateful for something – say it loud and proud. Even if you're only speaking to yourself.

Here are examples of basic things to be thankful for:

  • The sunrise and sunset.
  • The weather.
  • A deal on your favorite snacks.
  • No lines at the grocery store.
  • Your favorite shows being renewed.
  • The love of a pet.
  • A hot shower.
  • Your favorite band releasing a new album.
  • A hug from your children.
  • An unexpected phone call from a friend.
  • Compliments from strangers.

Many people recommend keep a Gratitude Journal that you can read when those negative thoughts start popping up.

3. Let Go of the Past

Your past does not dictate your future and shouldn't control your present.

No matter how long you've traveled in the wrong direction, you can always turn around.


Let go of the things that are weighing your down and fantasize about the great things to come.

4. Think of the best possible outcome in every bad situation

Anytime something bad or stressful happens, just do this:


Rather than thinking of the horrible things that might happen, consider the great things that could come from this situation.

If you stay positive in a negative situation – you win!

If you can't figure out how to do that:

Think of something that you are looking forward to or something that always makes your smile.

5. Every time you say something negative to yourself – write it down.

When you say something bad to or about yourself, grab your phone and do this…

Make a note of the exact negative thing you said to yourself.


Make a note of a positive thing or a compliment you could have said instead.

Continue to do this until you aren't thinking negative thoughts daily.

6. Allow yourself to FAIL

Failure is not only the key to success, it's the key to happiness.

Guess what?

Failing doesn't make you a failure…

You will never learn anything new or grow if you don't know how to fail with a smile on your face.

7. Keep Your Promises

Many negative thoughts derive from shame and guilt.

News flash:

Breaking promises or commitments to yourself and others will cause negative thoughts.

Do the things you say you're going to do. Even if they make you uncomfortable.

Especially if they make you uncomfortable.

TIP: That's how you win at life.

8. Celebrate Your Wins

Every single accomplishment and win should be celebrated. Even the small ones.

Did you finish the load of laundry?

Pat yourself on the back!

Did you make it through the day without insulting yourself?

You deserve a cookie!

9. Focus on the things that make you happy

Positive Thinking requires you to focus on the good things in life.

You do have good things in your life, even if it's difficult to identify those things right now.

Think of what makes you feel any of these feelings:

  • Proud
  • Happy
  • Excited
  • Loved
  • Joyful
  • Thankful

10. Change These Self-Destructive Behaviors and Bad Habits:

  • Stop Complaining
  • Stop dwelling on negative situations.
  • Don't act impulsively.
  • Overcome your addictions.
  • Make a conscious effort to change your bad habits.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others.
  • Be honest with yourself.
  • Love your flaws.
  • Coping with drugs or alcohol.
  • Blaming others.
  • Victimizing.

Now that you've got a great list of positive thinking exercises to add to your daily life, here are a few positivity quotes to keep you in that great mindset.


It's a bad day, not a bad life.

Positive Thinking Quotes

Maybe these things aren't happening to you but are happening for you!

Positive Thinking Quotes

If you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine.

Positive Thinking Quotes

You can and will because you're a badass!

Positive Thinking Quotes

Stop hating yourself for everything you aren't and begin loving yourself for everything you are.

Positive Thinking Quotes

A positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.

Positive Thinking Quotes


There are so many perks to being a positive thinker:

  • Successful in their careers.
  • Happy in marriage.
  • Better as parents.
  • Great problem solvers.
  • Successful in friendship.

I challenge you to be a positive thinker who encourages others to be positive as well.

Please, never stop looking at the bright side in stressful situations. Love yourself and most of all:

Be kind to yourself and others.


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  34. Steve Scott says:

    Love the great positivity message here. Your infographic and positivity quote images are also awesome, Scheduled a bunch for sharing on Pinterest. Keep up the good work.

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